Recent Minutes
Birmingham Business Association
C/o Ms. Nicole Cignoli, Secretary
171 Derby Avenue
Derby, CT 06418
Meeting Place: Connies
Minutes of the Special Save Our
Sterling Meeting July 2, 2002
Present: Beth Colette,
President of Save Our Sterling, Nicole Cignoli, O.B.B.A., First
Vice-President; Markanthony Izzo, O.B.B.A., Second Vice-President, John Asp,
Claudia Farkas, and Harvey Bletchman
Absent: Anthony Staffieri,
O.B.B.A., President, Sandie Aurilio, O.B.B.A., Treasurer, Judith Augusta, Carol
Valente, Paul Lane, Randall Colette, Ann Searles, Carol Senfield, Alexis
Sulinski, Jeff Auerbach and Regina Pagliaro
Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Review of the Minutes of the Special
Save Our Sterlings June 24, 2002 Meeting Minutes:
Harvey Bletchman moved to accept
the minutes as written. Beth Colette seconded the motion. UNANIMOUS APPROVAL
Public Portion:
No news to Report
Olde Business:
Main Street Issues
- Valley Needs and
Opportunities Project Application Form TABLED.
Main Street Window
Decorations Judith Augusta. TABLED
City of Derby's
Downtown Committee co-meeting. TABLED
- Sterling Opera House
- Thermometer John Asp
- Opera on the Green August
18, 2002 at 5:00 P.M. Harvey Bletchman
Timeline from
Doris Kosloff Harvey Bletchman
- Singers Set. $2,500
- Strings Doris used a musician
contractor and located the strings out of the Bridgeport area. She is
sending a contract for us to sign. The approximate cost is $4,000.
- Sound system Set. $125 for the
voices only.
Sponsors Donations Report Harvey Bletchman and Beth
- List of names from the first mailing
Harvey didn't receive the email from Judith Augusta with the list
of names to the group so that we know to whom we requested donations as we
solicit door to door.
- List of names or existing donors Beth Colette copied and deposited the checks from donors and
advertisers as received. Nicole Cignoli provided Beth a blank EXCEL
spreadsheet for bookkeeping purposes.
Second mailing list Judith Augusta absent.
- Program Guide
Solicitation Report Carol Valente and Nicole Cignoli
Receipts collected to date
Beth received $3,050. Nicole brought in $205 from Ansonia solicitation
this week. Harvey brought in a contribution from Mario's Bar. Nicole
gave Beth Big Y's Donation Request Form. Beth will check with the
Cultural Commission and the Naugatuck Valley Health District about the
requirements and restraints to sell food on the Green before she completes
the form with Judith Augusta. Nicole will ensure that everyone has the
Program Guide price list for consistency in solicitations. Harvey and
Claudia haven't been able to go out in force yet. Beth will collect the
solicitations and Nicole Cignoli will collect and hold the program guide ads
to put together the guide.
- Program Guide design and
publication. TABLED until after July 15th when all advertisements
are due in.
Permission to use
the Green on August 18th Markanthony Izzo
- Green from 1-9pm Set.
- Tours of the Opera House 12- 2pm on
August 18 - Beth Colette Open issue pending interior construction process.
Banners on the Green Remove from the agenda.
- Posters on the Opera House Not
given permission.
Place a promotional placard
on Tailgator's corner Claudia completed the placard. Nicole and
Markanthony will coordinate efforts to remove the placard from Claudia's
and place it on Tailgator's Restaurant corner.
Police Beth will
speak with Judith Augusta to write a letter to the auxiliary Police for
Insurance Cultural
Commission is co-sponsor of the event therefore the event falls under the
Citys insurance policy.
Garbage pick up Markanthony said that Public Works would clean the green as part of their
normal cleaning routine. We can always bring garbage bags and do a first sweep after the event.
- Costs and protocol for vendors to
sell food. As stated above, Beth will check with the Cultural
Commission and Naugatuck Valley Health District about the requirements and
restraints to sell food on the Green before she completes the form with
Judith Augusta. In addition, Beth will check and see if all of the Boy
Scouts are going to the National Jamboree or if there would be anyone left
behind who may want to sell hot dogs and soda. Also, she will speak with the
Girl Scouts.
Rehearsal Sites
and Rain Location permission
Derby High school as rain
location Markanthony Izzo
- Board of Education Markanthony
will follow up with the Board of Education.
$50 fee for use of the
auditorium based on our organization's classification. Markanthony
Izzo pending Board of Education approval.
- Janitor costs Based on a
rotational basis, the estimated cost for a janitor for Sunday is
approximately $50/hour pending Board of Education approval.
- Music stands Waiting for Board
approval. Harvey also mentioned that we would need chairs for the musicians.
Beth will check and see how many chairs O.B.B.A. has and that Markanthony
will have to amend the request to the Board of Education.
Rehearsal sites Harvey Bletchman
- The Kellogg Environmental Center ok to use the grounds for rehearsal on Saturday. Harvey will speak with
Doris to visit the Center and chose the best lawn based on electricity
Flyers and Posters Claudia Farkas
Flyer Set.
- Poster Cost to enlarge Harvey Bletchman OPEN.
Placard on
Tailgator's Restaurant's Corner Claudia created the
placard. Markanthony and Nicole will organize moving the placard to the
Posters Claudia
will create some smaller promotional posters for Concerts on the Green,
the rehearsal site.
- Luncheon at Connie's before
the event Harvey Bletchman is looking to host a pre-opera talk with
a guest speaker. If we are unable to have the numbers for Connie's
then we will have the pre-opera talk at the concert.
Derby Days booth on June
30th Beth Colette and Markanthony manned the booth and it
went well. Rick Dunn gave them Fletcher Thompson's poster boards on
the interiors for the Opera House. They put out the jar for the
Opera on the Green. Nicole and Markanthony were able to put together the
existing booth and other accoutrements and Beth and Markanthony used it at
Derby Days.
Concerts on the Green
booth After discussion, the group agreed not to make a formal sign
up sheet for the table at the concerts. We will just ask whoever can man
the booth on the night of the meeting.
Publicity Judy
Augusta. ABSENT
- Newspapers
- WICC 600 news radio
- Mailings Judy has it on her
calendar to mail information to music schools and senior centers in July.
- Ten people at$50 each to conduct
orchestra prior to event Harvey Bletchman OPEN
- Coastal Chords men Harvey
Bletchman OPEN pending donations.
- T-shirts Harvey will contact
some suppliers for prices to silk screen SOS's logo onto the t-shirt.
OPEN pending donations
- Intermission/Refreshment stand Beth Colette
- Dress as Barbers? OPEN pending
- Barber Chair?
- Recruit Volunteers Derby
Historical Society, Cultural Commission, Valley Arts Council and E-Valley
sign up sheet. OPEN pending donations
Meeting Adjourned.
6:00 Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Review of the Special Save Our Sterling Meeting July 2, 2002 Meeting Minutes
6:15 Public Portion
6:30 Olde Business
- Main Street Window
Decorations Judith Augusta
- City of Derby's Downtown
Committee co-meeting.
Sterling Opera House
- Thermometer John Asp
TABLED until end of June
- Opera on the Green August
18, 2002, 5:00 p.m. Harvey Bletchman
Estimated Costs
and timeline from Doris Kosloff Harvey Bletchman
- Singers Set. Is there a
- Strings Set. Contract from
Sound system - Set
- Corporate Sponsors
Donations Report Harvey Bletchman and Beth Colette
- List of names from the first mailing
Judith Augusta email send to the group of names
- List of names or existing donors
Second mailing list Judith Augusta to provide list of names
Program Guide
Solicitation Report Carol Valente and Nicole Cignoli
Receipts collected to
date Beth Colette
- Solicitation Report Harvey Bletchman, Nicole Cignoli and Claudia Farkas
- Program Guide design and
publication. TABLED until after July 15th when all
advertisements are due in.
- Permissions Markanthony Izzo
Green from 1-9pm Set.
- Tours of the Opera House 12- 2pm on
August 18 - Open issue based on interior construction process. Beth Colette.
Police Letter to the
Auxiliary Police. Judith Augusta and Beth Colette
Insurance Set
- Garbage pick up Set
- Costs and protocol for vendors to
sell food. Beth Colette
- Rehearsal Sites and Rain
Location permission
Derby High school as rain
location Markanthony Izzo
- Board of Education Markanthony Izzo
- $50 fee for use of the
auditorium based on our organizations classification.
Janitor costs estimated cost $50/hour.
- Music stands Waiting
for Board approval.
- Chairs Beth Colette
and Markanthony Izzo
- Rehearsal sites Harvey
- The Kellogg Environmental
Center Set. Harvey Bletchman and Doris to review the lawns
for electricity needs.
Flyers and Posters Claudia Farkas
Flyer Set.
- Poster Cost to enlarge Harvey Bletchman OPEN.
Placard on
Tailgator's Restaurants Corner Claudia Farkas,
Markanthony Izzo and Nicole Cignoli
- Posters for Concerts,
window and rehearsal site
Luncheon at Connie's before the
event Harvey Bletchman OPEN
Concerts on the Green booth Beth Colette. Volunteers
Publicity Judy Augusta
WICC 600 news radio
Mailings Judy has it on her
calendar to mail information to music schools and senior centers in July.
Ten people at$50 each to conduct
orchestra prior to event Harvey Bletchman OPEN
Coastal Chordsmen Harvey
Bletchman OPEN pending donations.
T-shirts Harvey will contact
some suppliers for prices to silk screen SOS's logo onto the t-shirt.
OPEN pending donations
Intermission/Refreshment stand Beth Colette
Dress as Barbers? OPEN pending
Barber Chair?
Recruit Volunteers Derby
Historical Society, Cultural Commission, Valley Arts Council and E-Valley
sign up sheet. OPEN pending donations
- Sterling Piano TABLED
- Wilhelm Gertz.
Scenic Road
Application Markanthony Izzo. TABLED UNTIL AFTER OPERA
- Birmingham Barb Judith
- Historic District Sign for
Birmingham Green Sandie Aurilio TABLED UNTIL AFTER OPERA
- Update John edits
to text
- Presentation o research,
etc to the Downtown Committee to submit for Neighborhood Grant
- Logo Discussion Nicole Cignoli. Review of submitted material
- Design Discussion Judith Augusta.
Valley Rivers
Heritage Corridor Judith Augusta. TABLED UNTIL AFTER OPERA
Historic Plaque
Program Judith Augusta. TABLED UNTIL AFTER OPERA
7:00 New Business
7:15 Meeting Adjourned